What Are the Questions You Ask?

Listen to the questions people ask. Leaders ask different questions than followers. Saints ask different questions than those who are caught up in lives of selfishness. The questions you ask determine the direction of your life.

When in a classroom or giving a homily on the questions to ask, I will either use the question card found in Appendix 1 or will reduce the best questions to five as I use hand gestures to describe them: “Where do I come from? Where am I going? How will I get there? Whom will I serve? How much of me will I give?”

For Discernment: Every person who discerns a vocation to any depth must ask the deeper questions. Ask superficial questions, they will take you through many detours and include many delays. Some never find their way. Ask the right questions and you will find out who you are in relation to the God who made you and the purpose and mission He has for you. What are the questions which determine the direction of your life?

Scripture: Matt. 7.7-11: “Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to you.”